Friday, July 31, 2015

DNA Results are in!

Today is my birthday and it seems appropriate to have these results available today!  

I actually got them last week but I was waiting for a large portion of the Berech's to get back from Alaska!  
Hope you guys had a great time!


Wow......... So I actually found myself nervous to look at these.  

Before I opened the results I thought about other cultures that may have been "introduced" 
into my DNA line.  I wondered if I would see some Western Asia, with the Mongolian conquest 
pillaging all the way through Kazakhstan reaching all the way through Russia into Hungary
 and Romania.  Possibly even some Turk (South Western Asia) with the Conquest of the Ottoman empire.  Who knows!!??

First a summary of how Ancestry cam to their conclusions.

Pasted from Ancestry's website:

Their scientific method seems pretty solid.   

The base line samples were taken directly from peoples all over the world with strong native similarities and long established linage in the same location.

Right now their DNA samples are over 1 million and growing every day. I am told as the project continues to grow, the estimates will become more and more refined.

And here we go!

I've always said I was 1/2 Russian and this proves it!! Yay!

As expected, I knew I would see the Eastern European, Irish and German.  But how about that Scandinavian!!??  I didn't even think about that.  I can easily see the Scandinavian cultures migrating and or merchant trading into all three of these areas.  Especially when the Vikings were pillaging and "depositing" their DNA everywhere. ;o/

I guess the only way to see if I can single out the Scandinavian portion of my DNA from either Eastern Europe (Dad) and Western Europe (Mom) would be to test other members of the family and see if it pops up or disappears.  

Any takers? 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

New York Times - April 6, 1917 and June 5, 1917

Note - I just learned how to make all the images I've been posting LARGE!!
You might want to view some of those images again!!

Clippings from the New York Times 

Headlines - April 6, 1917

Front Page - June 5, 1917

A lot of interesting reading in these pages.  There were people protesting the draft then too. 

WW I Draft Card - John Berech Sr.

History of the WWI draft:

On April 6th, 1917, The United States declared War on Germany and officially entered WWI. 

John Berech was 21 years old and would have been living in the United States for 3 1/2 years. 

6 weeks later on May 18th, 1917, the selective service act was passed, which authorized 
President Woodrow Wilson  to increase the military establishment of the United States.  
As a result, every male living within the United States between the ages of 18 and 45 
was required to register for the draft. 

The Period of 1880-1920 was a high immigration period to the United States. Young men 
were required to register for the draft regardless of their U.S. citizenship status. Of course, 
not all the men who registered actually served in the armed forces, and there were some 
who enlisted and served in the war but did not register for the draft.


The World War I draft consisted of 3 separate registrations. 

John Berech was part of the 1st Registration.  

The registration on June 5th, 1917, was for men aged 21 to 31 
(men born between June 6, 1886 and June 5th 1896).

Note: John Was born October 1895, 8 months inside the cut off period.

John Berech Sr – WWI Draft Registration Card – June 5, 1917 – Transcription
Page 1
389 2184
Form 1   617  Registration Card   No. 234

1 – Name is full – (Given name)  ((Family Name)  John Berech
                Age in years – 21
2 – Home Address – (No.   Street   City  State) – 422  E  19 (not sure either ST or W??)  NY   NY
3 – Date of birth – (Month   Day   Year) – October 12, 1895
4 – Are you (1) a natural-born citizen, (2) a naturalized citizen (3) an alien, (4) or have you declared your intention (specify which) ? – Alien
5 – Where were you born? – (Town   State   Nation) – Minsk   Russia
6 – If not a citizen, of what country are you a citizen or subject? – Russia
7 – What is your present trade, occupation, or office? – Waiter   (there is a mark here that looks like 29      or V9)
8 – By whom employed? – X – L   Lunch
9 – Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12 or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for support (specify which)?  -  None
10 – Married or single (which)? – Single
        Race (specify which)? – Caucasian
11 – What military service have you had? -   None    :             Branch   (left blank) 
          Years  (left blank)                   Nation or  State  (left blank)
12 – Do you claim exemption from draft (specify grounds)?  - left blank

I affirm that I have verified above answers and that they are true.
Signed by -  John Berech

Interesting note – In the bottom left corner separated from the draft card by a slash (like a tear card) and it says – 
“If person is of African descent tear off this corner”

Page 2
Registrar’s Report   31-9-119-A

1 – Tall, medium, or short (specify which) Medium
      Slender, medium, or stout (which) – Medium
2 – Color of Eyes? – Brown
      Color of hair? – Brown
      Bald -  left blank
3 – Has person lost arm, leg hand, foot or both eyes, or is he otherwise disabled (specify)? – None

I certify that my answers are true, that the person registered has read his own answers, that I have witnessed his signature, and that all of his answers of which I have knowledge are true, except as follows:   (left blank)

Signature of the Registrar – Matthew Mendicino
Precinct - 21
City or County – NY
State NY
Date of Registration – 6/5/1917

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Newspaper Clipping

I have a subscription to  They have tons of digital newspapers available online.

There are dates missing, and not all the papers are available, but a good majority.

I wanted to see if I could find something about the 4th draft for WWII.
Hopefully something close by Greenwich....

I found this on the date John Berech Filled out his WWII draft card.

Brooklyn Daily Eagle - 27 April 1942

WW II Draft Card - John Berech Sr.

The U.S. officially entered World War II on 8 December 1941 following the attach on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  
Just about a year before that, in October 1940, President Roosevelt had signed into law the first peacetime
selective service draft in U.S. history, due to rising world conflicts. After the U.S. entered WWII a new 
selective service act required that all men between the ages of 18 and 65 register for the draft.  The below 
draft card is from the 4th Registration, also referred to as the "old man's registration".  If was conducted 
on 27 April 1942, men who were born on or between 28 April 1877 and 16 February 1897 
(men who were between 45 and 64 years old) and who were not already in the military

27 April 1942 - WWII Draft Registration Card: Page 1 of 2
1. Name - (First Middle Last) -
  • John Berech
Order Number - Not answered
2. Place of Residence (Print) - (Number and Street - Town, Township, Village or City - County - State)
  • 53 Sherwood Pl   Greenwich   Fairfield   conn
3. Mailing Address - (Mailing address if other than place indicated on line 2. If same insert word same)
  • Same
The Place of Residence Given On The Line Above Will Determine Local Board
Jurisdiction; Line 2 of Registration Certificate Will be Identical

4. Telephone - (Exchanger - Number)
  • No
5. Age in Years  and Date of Birth (Month - Day - Year)
  • 45 - October  12  1896
6. Place of Birth - (Town or County) (State or County)
  • Minsk - Russia
7. Name and Address of Person Who Will Always Know Your Address
  • Wife - Haines Blvd. Port Chester - NY
8. Employers Name and Address
  • Self
9. Place of Employment or Business - (Number and Street or RFD number - Town - County - State)
  • 413 Greenwich Ave.   Greenwich   Fairfield   Conn
I affirm that I have verified above answers and that they are true.
(Registrant's Signature)
Signed - John Berech
DSS Form 1

27 April 1942 - WWII Draft Registration Card Page 2 of 2

Registrar's Report
Description of Registrant
Race - White
Height (Approx) - 5'-5"
Eyes - Brown
Weight (Approx) - 168
Hair - Black
Complexion - Ruddy
Other obvious physical characteristics that will aid in identification - None
I certify that my answers are true; that the person registered has read or has had read to him his own answers;
 that I have witnessed his signature or mark and that all of his answers of which I have knowledge are true, except as follows:
   Not to my knowledge
Signature of registrar - Name
Registrar for Local Board - (Number City or County - State) -  27 C Greenwich Conn
Date of registration - Apr 27 1942

Personal Notes:

Anybody else notice that John and Olga have different addresses?   Can anyone explain this?  Is there turmoil 
or would it be work related.  hmmmm

So I vaguely.... very vaguely remember Dad saying there was a time period he can't remember.  At one time  
I recall him saying that he had asked .... (I think it was either Ann or Catherine), what was up during that time....... 
But I can't for the life of me remember what he said.......  I wonder if this was it??

Monday, July 13, 2015

1920 Census Dissapointment

I have been searching for the 1920 census for John Berech Sr and unfortunately have come up with nothing so far.
I know he entered the United Stated in 1913 so he won't be on the 1910 census.

I've looked for: John, Iwan, Ivan...... Berech, Berich, Berick, Bereck, Berick, Barach, Barack. Have done
general searches, specific searches, sounds like searches.....  I've even tried to find Nicholas in the 1920 census
hoping that John was living with him...  no results. (I will be posting about Nicholas later on)

Even though I've been told by many people about families changing their names upon entering the Port of New York,
my research tells me that this is a myth.  That name changes occur most frequently upon filing for naturalization.


Although I don't believe this is the case for John as his naturalization papers were filed late in
the 1920's and he is well established as John Berech by then.

Why am I not finding it. I searched online asking that very question:

Is there a chance the census taker missed my family in the census? Possibly, but not likely.  
There could be a number of reasons why you are not finding your family in the census.  
For Example, your ancestor:

  • May not have given the right answers to questions because they just didn’t know the answer
  • Wasn’t home and the census taker asked a neighbor for the information
  • Intentionally gave the wrong answer

So at this point I'm going to step away from the 1920 census search.  I'm going to go back and transcribe those very early documents I found, ie: Draft documents WWI and WWII, Petition for Naturalization, and ship manifest,  the ones that started this blog. I think I'm actually going to purchase a copy of the ship manifest from Ellis Island too.  I've been wanting to do this but haven't felt like forking over the money for it.  Maybe there is information in there I can use to narrow things down more.  I know there is a name on the ship manifest he lists that I don't recognize.... I need to look again and maybe look for that person in the census and he's living with them???  Anyway.  The next posts will be old information but with transcriptions.  

There is also a name I've heard Dad use in passing that I don't know anything about.... "Chager"   I don't know how this name is associated with the Berech's.  If anyone does please send me a note! Maybe there is information there.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Ancestry DNA Project

So today is participated in a DNA project.

On they have a test you can take that helps you identify your ethnicity.

The results will include information about my genetic ethnicity estimates and identify potential DNA matches linking me to others who have taken the Ancestry DNA test.

It maps ethnicity going back multiple generations and can help identify the regions that your ancestors lived.

So I expect to see some East Slavic, some Germanic and some Irish. (at least)  It will be interesting to see.

It takes about 6 - 8 weeks to get the results in, so about mid to late August.

The test fee is $99. (I got mine on sale for $89) If anyone is interested in participating, let me know.   I will let you know how to go about it.  You have to have an ancestry account to get the results, since I already have an ancestry account, and in the interest in keeping all the information in a central location, we can use my account for the test results.

PS - I knew that the test was going to be a saliva sample.  I assumed it would be a swab.  I was wrong.  I had to spit into a tube, enough saliva to amount (they say) 1/4 teaspoon.  It sure felt like a lot more than that.  I had to spit 4 times to reach the required level.  I was mildly disgusted....... OK... a lot disgusted.  GAH

How accurate is the test??  
(answer copied from the FAQ's online)

AncestryDNA uses advanced scientific techniques to produce your results. We measure and analyze a person’s entire genome at over 700,000 locations. During the testing process, each DNA sample is held to a quality standard of at least a 98% call rate. Any results that don’t meet that standard may require a new DNA sample to be collected.
Then we compare your DNA to one of the most comprehensive and unique collections of DNA samples from people around the world, to identify overlap. As our database of DNA samples continues to grow, you could receive updates with new information.

Here is a link if you want to learn excessive amounts of information about it.

1924-25 New York City Directory - Boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

1924 - New York City Directory

The listing does not state which city and the directory is not categorized either.

Berech John ( O & L Restaurant ) h 254 W 25th - page 390

Not being familiar with the City of New York and it's boroughs, I don't know
if 25th is a street or avenue or if 25th is just the way it's supposed to be.
I looked on google earth... and it takes me to an apartment complex in
Manhattan and it's listed as a street.  Of course, in 1924-25, it may very
well have been just 25th.   So I'm going with Manhattan as the city, at least

I looked all through the directory for an O & L Restaurant but I didn't see one.
There's is no telling if he is working as a waiter or owner.

FYI - in 1924 there were 2898 pages to this directory!!

Friday, June 19, 2015

1932 Greenwich City Directory

1932 - Port Chester New York City Directory - Page 68

John and Olga Berech - Home Address: 17 Austin Pl, Port Chester NY


 Berech John (Olga) restr (Greenwich) h17 Austin Pl

I've been dissecting this particular city directory.  There is a lot of really cool information in a city directory. Detailed history of the location, Cool street maps and Special events!
I've been reviewing the following 5 essential departments of this directory 
  1. Miscellaneous,  (Local history, demographics and Government)
  2. Buyers Guide,  (Advertisers) (I don't see the John advertised in this book)
  3. Alphabetical List of Names (Port Chester: p 53-320) (East Port Chester p 389-439) and (Rye p451-530), 
  4. Directory of Households including a street and avenue guide (p 321-382), 
  5. Classified Business directory (p 531-621)

I looked under restaurants and lunch rooms, also bar, liquor, lounge, food and coffee for Depot Lunch or Depot Bar in Port Chester, East Port Chester and Rye.  I don't see it.  I looked for a 1932 Greenwich city directory but I don't see one listed.  I looked in the 1930 Greenwich city directory and there is nothing in the business directory either.

Here is the listing from the Street Guide

Sunday, June 7, 2015

1929 Timeline

With the Stock market crash having just happened months prior to the census.  
What else happened the year before the census?
I created links for a few of the events.
If the event is highlighted in orange, 
click on the event to read more about that particular event.

Timeline 1929

US and Canada agree to preserve Niagara Falls 2
6 Mother Teresa arrives in Calcutta to begin a her work amongst India's poorest and diseased people.
"Buck Rogers", 1st sci-fi comic strip, premieres 7  "Tarzan", one of the 1st adventure comic strips, 1st appears
Seatrain (RR cars on ships) service begins, New Orleans-Havana 12
18  Stalin proposes to ban Trotsky from the Politburo
Acadia National Park, Maine established 19
20 1st feature talking motion picture taken outdoors, "In Old Arizona"
 Indian National Congress proclaims goal for India's independence 26
31 Leon Trotsky expelled from Russia to Turkey
Vatican City (world's smallest country) made an enclave of Rome 11
13 Cruiser Act, USA, approves the construction of 19 new cruisers & an aircraft carrier
 St Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago, 7 gangsters killed, allegedly onAl Capone's orders 14
18 The first Academy Awards are announced.
American Samoa organizes as territory of US 20 Red Sox announce they will play Sunday games at Braves Field
US Pres Calvin Coolidge establishes Grand Teton National Park 26
Herbert Hoover inaugurated as 31st US President 4
8 US worker union commission reports of slavery in Liberia
1st telephone installed in White House 23
 US Ladies' Figure Skating championship won by Maribel Vinson 27 US Men's Figure Skating championship won by Roger Turner
Stanley Cup: Boston Bruins sweep NY Rangers in 2 games 29
Louie Marx introduces Yo-Yo 1
3 RMS Queen Mary is ordered from John Brown & Company Shipbuilding and Engineering by Cunard Line.
NY Yankees become 1st team to wear uniform numbers 16
Police kill 19 Mayday demonstrators in Berlin 1
2  Billie Holiday (14) and her mother are arrested for prostitution following a raid of a brothel in Harlem
Lou Gehrig hits 3 consecutive HRs, Yankees 11, Tigers 9 4
8 NY Giant Carl Hubbell no-hits Pittsburgh Pirates, 11-0
64th British Golf Open: Walter Hagen shoots a 292 at Muirfield Gullane 10
11 1st regularly scheduled TV broadcasts (3 nights per week)
Pulitzer prize awarded to Julia Peterkin (Scarlet Sister Mary) 12
16 1st Academy Awards - "Wings", Emil Jennings & Janet Gaynor wins
Automatic electric stock quotation board installed, NYC 21
28 1st all color talking picture "On With the Show" exhibited (NYC)
Vatican City becomes a sovereign state 7
25 President Hoover authorizes building of Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam)
President Paul Von Hindenburg refuses to pay German debt of WW I 27
29 1st high-speed jet wind tunnel completed Langley Field Ca
33rd US Golf Open: Bobby Jones shoots a 294 at Winged Foot CC NY 30
US cartoonist Elzie Segar creates "Popeye" 1
3  Dunlop Latex Development Laboratories made foam rubber
US issues newer, smaller-sized paper currency 10
17 USSR breaks diplomatic relations with China
The Fascist government in Italy bans the use of foreign words. 23
Jones Beach in NY opens 4
7 Ruth ties record by hitting grand slams in consecutive games
German airship Graf Zeppelin begins a round-the-world flight 8
Persia & Iraq sign friendship treaty 11 Babe Ruth becomes 1st to hit 500 homers (off Willis Hudlin of Cleve)
First US roller coaster built 26
Aviator Anne Morrow Lindbergh makes her first solo flight 29 German airship Graf Zeppelin ends a round-the-world flight
 Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches all time high of 381.17, to be shortly followed by the Crash of 1929. 3
11 SF Mayor Rolph inaugurates new pedestrian traffic light system
A's clinch AL pennant with a 5-0 win over White Sox 14
17 British troops begin withdrawal from occupied Germany
 Lt James Doolittle guides a Consolidated N-Y-2 Biplane over Mitchell Field in NY in 1st all-instrument flight 24
30 1st manned rocket plane flight (by auto maker Fritz von Opel)
British Labour government recovers diplomatic relations with USSR 3 Kingdom of Serbs, Croats & Slovenes changes name to Yugoslavia
 Ramsay MacDonald is first British premier to address US Congress 7
11  JC Penney opens store #1252 in Milford, Delaware, making it a nationwide company with stores in all 48 U.S. states.
Cubs blow 8-0 World Series lead, A's score 10 in 1 inning 12
24 "Black Thursday", start of stock market crash, Dow Jones down 12.8%
 Dow Jones plummets 38.33 pts (13%) to 260.64 28
29 "Black Tuesday" Stock Market crashes triggers "Great Depression"
Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Laurence McKinley Gould, and their polar expedition team begin a 2½ month, 1500-mile dog-sledge journey into the Queen Maud Mountains, the first exploration of the interior of Antarctica 4
7 NYC Museum of Modern Art opens in Hecksher Building
Large earthquake in Atlantic breaks transatlantic cable in 28 places 18 Stalin routes troops to Manchuria
 Salvador Dali's first one-man show 20
28  Adm Richard E Byrd makes 1st South Pole flight
Lt Cmdr Richard E Byrd sends "My calculations indicate that we have reached vicinity of South Pole" (He was wrong) 29
1 Game of Bingo invented by Edwin S Lowe
 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine jointly awarded to Christiaan Eijkman and Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins for the discovery of vitamins 10
21 1st group hospital insurance plan offered (Dallas Tx)

Monday, May 25, 2015

1930 Census - What is it and interesting fact about it.

I'm going to start this one a little differently.  When you transcribe the census you have to familiarize yourself about the questions/information they are gathering.  Sometimes some of the answers are misleading, you have to read the instructions provided to the enumerators, first. I've already done that part, but you might be interested in what the questions are.  The abbreviations used for some of the answers are located at the bottom of the census.

For example: by just reading the question "Whether at work" the response yes or no can be misleading. If you read "No" for example, it might lead you to believe that they are not actually working at all, when in fact, it's actually aksing if you did or did not work on your last regular working day.

Below is an easy breakdown of the list of questions. So if my transcription is confusing..... Refer to the below list.

The 1930 Census contains records for approximately 123 million Americans.  The census gives us a glimpse into the lives of Americans in 1930, and contains information about a household's family members and occupants including: birthplaces, occupations, immigration, citizenship, and military service.

What questions were on the 1930 Census?

Place of Abode
Street, Avenue, Road, etc.
House number
Number of dwelling house in order of visitation
Number of family in order of visitation

Name of each person whose place of abode on April 1, 1930, was in this family. enter surname first, then the given name, and middle initial, if any.  Include every person living on April 1, 1930. Omit children born since April 1, 1930.

Relationship of the person to the head of the family

Home Data
Home owned or rented
Value of home, if owned, or monthly rental, if rented
Radio set
Does this family own a farm?

Personal description
Color or race
Age at last birthday
Marital condition
Age at first marriage

Attended school or college any time since Sept. 1 1929
Whether able to read or write

Place of birth - Place of birth of each person enumerated and of his or her parents.
If born in the United States, give State or Territory.
If of foreign birth, give county in which birthplace is now situated.
Distinguish Canada - French from Canada - English, and Irish Free State from Northern Ireland.
Place of birth - person
Place of birth - father
Place of birth - mother

Mother tongue (or native language) of foreign born
Language spoken in home before coming to the United States

Citizenship, etc
Year of immigration into the United States
Whether able to speak English

Occupation and industry
Trade, profession or particular kind of work done
Industry or business
Class of worker

Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last regular working day)
Yes or No
If not, line number on the Unemployment schedule (These schedules no longer exist)

Whether a veteran of U.S, Military or Naval forces Yes or No
What War of expedition?

Farm schedule
Number of farm schedule (These schedules no longer exist)

Interesting Facts about the 1930 Census
  • This is the last census in which individuals were asked whether they could read or write.
  • Unlike previous censuses, this census did not ask individuals for the year of naturalization.
  • This is the first census in which individuals were asked: the value of their home, or the amount of rent paid each month; their age at the time of their first marriage; the specific war a man had fought in.
  • The 1930 census is the only census to ask whether the occupants of the home owned a radio.
  • Based on the census, the average number of people in a household was 4.1.
  • In 1930 the average life expectancy for an American was 59.7 years
  • The leading country for people of foreign birth was Italy (1.8 million)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

John Berech - 1930 Census

Below is the transcription of the 1930 Census for John Berech which also includes Olga and John Jr., and a copy of the census itself.  As always.  If you would like me to email you a large copy of the census so that you can look at it closer.  Let me know.

1930 Census - 22 April - Taken in Portchester - County of Westchester - State of New York

Address - 193 Austin Place, Rye New York - Owned - Value $11,000 - Owned a Radio - Not a Farm

John Berech - (Line 60) - Head of House - Married White Male age 33 - First Married at 33 - No schooling in 1929 - literate - Born approx 1897 in Czechoslovakia - Father born in Czechoslovakia - Mother born in Czechoslovakia - Spoke Czech before coming to USA - Immigrated in 1913 - Naturalized citizen - Occupation Proprietor - Industry Restaurant - Waged worker - Whether actually at work yesterday or the last regular work day, No - Unemployment Schedule 6-na *  - Not a veteran

Olga Berech - (line 61) - Wife - housewife - Married White Female Age 21 - First married at 18 - No schooling in 1929 - literate - Born approx 1909 in Connecticut, Father born in Czechoslovakia - Mother born Czechoslovakia - Speaks English - No Occupation

John Berech Jr - (Line 62) - Son - Single White Male Age 2 (0/12) - No schooling in 1929 - Born approx 1928 in New York - Father born in Czechoslovakia - Mother born Connecticut


Sooooo -  What the Hell!!??  Born in Czechoslovakia !? Mother tongue Czech!? Olga born in Connecticut!?  I know that in the 1920 Census Olga is listed by her Father that she was born in Russia.  So why the Czechoslovakia?

I had this discussion earlier in the year with Carolyn and Cheryl. We were trying to decided if the state of Country was such that is was easier to say Czechoslovakia to the Enumerator than to say Russia. I've actually looked online a bit... (not extensively) about just that, and I see nothing really in history to cause someone to not want to mention their Mother Country.  WW 2 is ten years off and WW 1 has been over for 16 years and the Russian revolution was just a few years after that. Maybe there was unrest locally, or in the neighborhood.  Looking at their neighbors and a couple of pages before and after Johns listing... Most people are listing as their birth locations as New York, Connecticut, and various other States.  Listings for people born outside of the US, England is the most prominent, and Poland.  I just don't know.

This information has caused me to decide to start reading some books based on the History of Russia. The first on my list is: Nicholas and Alexandra based on their lives, their love of each other and the Russian Revolution.  Starting small before I decide to delve into War and Peace.  A book that has been on my reading list for years, but the sheer size of it daunts me.  I think I'm ready though.

Finally....  There is the possibility that Neither John nor Olga were interviewed for the 1930 census and the answers were given by a neighbor.  Not a totally unlikely situation, if no one was home the day the Enumerator arrived.  I hope the answers will present themselves in the future.


Some cool stuff on this census is the value of the home.  Johns house is in the median range of his neighbors. Almost everyone in this neighborhood owned a radio, which show a certain affluence. I've looked at a lot of 1930 census' and owning a Radio was not a common thing.

NOTES: 1930 census *
 Unemployment Schedule (listed in John Sr. profile) If the respondent did not work the previous day (or last regular work day, if the previous day was a weekend, holiday or day off), there was an unemployment schedule. The # refers to that particular unemployment schedule addendum to the ED's population schedule. The unemployment schedules have not survived.   I am of the opinion that the number 6 is the code here and na may just mean Not Applicable..  (I could be wrong)

Here is the web page/forum where I found that information. (you will have to copy/paste)

What happened to the Farm Schedules, Unemployment Schedules?    RE:

None of these records have been located with the exception of the farm schedules for Alaska, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico.

April 22, 1930 was a Tuesday - So not a normal "day off" kind of day.  That being said... If a neighbor dictated the information to the Enumerator, would they have known that John didn't work the day before??

Audience of my blog

This is cool!

I can track how many views of my blog there are:  daily, monthly and per blog post, the browsers they are using, the internet systems and  the location of the viewer. So, even though there are no comments, I can see there are people reading my blog. But I can't see who.

Up until today all locations have been in the United States.

Today... I see someone from Belarus took a peek at my Blog.........  I wish I knew who.  This was the reason I added "Biricz" to the title of the blog recently.  Hoping that something like this would happen.

You can see the light green highlight sitting over Belarus.

Maybe they will Peek again someday and add a comment. #fingerscrossed

(Copied and Pasted from my Stats Page)

Pageviews by Countries

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United States

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Getting Started -

About 6 or 7 years ago my Mother in Law was needing something to fill her empty hours of the day with something enriching and interesting.  We were having a discussion about family history and the idea of getting her started in doing family research for her family and Ricks Dads family was appealing to her.  It would do several things.  Give her a long lasting interest, teach her to become more computer literate (something she had been trying to do but nothing really kept her interest to cause her to learn more), Therefore giving her a genuine enrichment in her life, and give her something to talk about to other people. At the time she was alone and not involved in much of anything.  She had a great time for years with her family research.  She took Ricks Dads family back to 1435!!!  It's pretty incredible stuff. She got me started, and I enjoyed it so much.

When we were looking into how to get her started, Rick and I found a cool software called Family Tree Maker (The software I'm using today) and found it was a subsidiary of a Huge company called, based in Utah and owned by the Mormons.  As a kid growing up in a primarily Mormon based community I remember hearing "If you need to know anything genealogy based, you go to the Mormons."  As the internet grew all their research starts getting stored digitally, and it becomes the mass industry.....

Anyone can build a tree in, but the research is a paid subscription.  If you are interested in looking at my research directly online, A free registered guest account is required (first name, last name and email is all that is required) and then I can invite you as a "viewing" guest to my tree.

The information online is pretty basic, My software "Family Tree maker" is really cool.  Software by it's nature is more robust than any online programs.  Online is really only a place to do the research and store documents you find and put photos.  But FTM takes all my information and creates data bases based on the information I input.  I'm really only just starting to understand the depth of this program.  I've been taking classes about the software on You Tube (Luv you tube) and I'm learning the correct way to use the software.  That being said.  A lot of the information I entered years ago needs to be reorganized and reentered correctly in order for the databases to work. (This has seriously cut into my transcribing of census' time).   For example, I can create maps with pinpoints of all the locations that a person or family lived, I can  I can create pedigree charts and family group sheets, relationship carts or descendants reports.  

Now I'm boring you!

When my Mother in Law passed, she asked if I would take care of her tree so it wasn't lost.  I'm happy to do it. I played a bit with it, but recently decided to really dive into my own tree.


Finally, I have a the 1930 census for John Berech  transcribed and ready to go.  I will be posting it very soon....

I think you will find it...........Interesting to say the least....  I hope it generates  questions and conversation among everyone when you read it.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

1934-35 and 1939 Greenwich City Directories

The 1940 census John and his family are living on Harris Blvd (no house number listed). Also on the census it asks where they lived in 1935 and has Greenwich, Fairfield County, CT.

The following page is from the 1939 Greenwich City Directory - Page 59

As listed -   Berech John (Olga; Depot Lunch)  h189 Henry (EPC)

John and Olga Berech - Business Depot Lunch - House number 189 Henry - East Port Chester

I peeked at Google Earth and didn't actually see 189 Henry, East Port Chester.  It took me to 188 Henry Street. So either 189 doesn't exist anymore or the houses have been renumbered, and either "street" was added later or just wasn't deemed necessary to publish in the directory.  Since I don't know what the Henry House looked like I can't tell.  

I need to review some of the photos I have..............  

The following page is from the 1934-35 Greenwich City Directory - Page 55

1934 - 35 - Greenwich Connecticut, City Directory 
Berich  John mgr Depot Lunch h Portchester
Berich  Olga (Depot Lunch) h Portchester


I was having an email conversation with J3 today and he mentioned that he remember his Dad (John Jr) saying -

"Dad also said he thought the last name could have been "Berich" but I think he was just dreaming "BeRich" lol"

Well J3..... there ya go!