Monday, July 13, 2015

1920 Census Dissapointment

I have been searching for the 1920 census for John Berech Sr and unfortunately have come up with nothing so far.
I know he entered the United Stated in 1913 so he won't be on the 1910 census.

I've looked for: John, Iwan, Ivan...... Berech, Berich, Berick, Bereck, Berick, Barach, Barack. Have done
general searches, specific searches, sounds like searches.....  I've even tried to find Nicholas in the 1920 census
hoping that John was living with him...  no results. (I will be posting about Nicholas later on)

Even though I've been told by many people about families changing their names upon entering the Port of New York,
my research tells me that this is a myth.  That name changes occur most frequently upon filing for naturalization.


Although I don't believe this is the case for John as his naturalization papers were filed late in
the 1920's and he is well established as John Berech by then.

Why am I not finding it. I searched online asking that very question:

Is there a chance the census taker missed my family in the census? Possibly, but not likely.  
There could be a number of reasons why you are not finding your family in the census.  
For Example, your ancestor:

  • May not have given the right answers to questions because they just didn’t know the answer
  • Wasn’t home and the census taker asked a neighbor for the information
  • Intentionally gave the wrong answer

So at this point I'm going to step away from the 1920 census search.  I'm going to go back and transcribe those very early documents I found, ie: Draft documents WWI and WWII, Petition for Naturalization, and ship manifest,  the ones that started this blog. I think I'm actually going to purchase a copy of the ship manifest from Ellis Island too.  I've been wanting to do this but haven't felt like forking over the money for it.  Maybe there is information in there I can use to narrow things down more.  I know there is a name on the ship manifest he lists that I don't recognize.... I need to look again and maybe look for that person in the census and he's living with them???  Anyway.  The next posts will be old information but with transcriptions.  

There is also a name I've heard Dad use in passing that I don't know anything about.... "Chager"   I don't know how this name is associated with the Berech's.  If anyone does please send me a note! Maybe there is information there.

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