The U.S. officially entered World War II on 8 December 1941 following the attach on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Just about a year before that, in October 1940, President Roosevelt had signed into law the first peacetime
selective service draft in U.S. history, due to rising world conflicts. After the U.S. entered WWII a new
selective service act required that all men between the ages of 18 and 65 register for the draft. The below
draft card is from the 4th Registration, also referred to as the "old man's registration". If was conducted
on 27 April 1942, men who were born on or between 28 April 1877 and 16 February 1897
(men who were between 45 and 64 years old) and who were not already in the military
27 April 1942 - WWII Draft Registration Card: Page 1 of 2
1. Name - (First Middle Last) -- John Berech
2. Place of Residence (Print) - (Number and Street - Town, Township, Village or City - County - State)
- 53 Sherwood Pl Greenwich Fairfield conn
- Same
Jurisdiction; Line 2 of Registration Certificate Will be Identical
4. Telephone - (Exchanger - Number)
- No
- 45 - October 12 1896
- Minsk - Russia
- Wife - Haines Blvd. Port Chester - NY
- Self
- 413 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich Fairfield Conn
(Registrant's Signature)
Signed - John Berech
DSS Form 1
27 April 1942 - WWII Draft Registration Card Page 2 of 2
Registrar's ReportDescription of Registrant
Race - White
Height (Approx) - 5'-5"
Eyes - Brown
Weight (Approx) - 168
Hair - Black
Complexion - Ruddy
Other obvious physical characteristics that will aid in identification - None
I certify that my answers are true; that the person registered has read or has had read to him his own answers;
that I have witnessed his signature or mark and that all of his answers of which I have knowledge are true, except as follows:
Not to my knowledge
Signature of registrar - Name
Registrar for Local Board - (Number City or County - State) - 27 C Greenwich Conn
Date of registration - Apr 27 1942
Personal Notes:
Anybody else notice that John and Olga have different addresses? Can anyone explain this? Is there turmoil
or would it be work related. hmmmm
So I vaguely.... very vaguely remember Dad saying there was a time period he can't remember. At one time
I recall him saying that he had asked .... (I think it was either Ann or Catherine), what was up during that time.......
But I can't for the life of me remember what he said....... I wonder if this was it??
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